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Henry GreenPrimary School

‘Learning Together, Learning For Life’


In spring 1, Year 6 got to work with Anthony Glenn and 'Shaking up Shakespeare'. We learnt about the play 'Romeo and Juliet' in a workshop before putting on a performance for KS2, all in 3 days! We can't wait for our parents to see our end of year musical production in July. 

In autumn 2, year 6 visited MFS Investment in London with Redstart. We were learning all about earning, spending and saving money through a variety of games that used our reasoning and problem solving skills. 

In October, Year 6 have had the opportunity this week to visit The Ben Kinsella Trust where we learnt all about the dangers and consequences of knife crime. We also learnt about staying safe, the UK law and the dangers of carrying a knife.

In autumn 1, we were fortunate to be visited by the Museum of London Docklands. We researched the life of an eye witness by looking at photos and objects to learn about their life during the Blitz.

In year 6 this half-term, we are looking at what our local area will look like in the future. For our WOW Moment, we worked in groups to design a product for the future and presented our designs in the style of 'The Apprentice'. Here are some pictures of our ideas...

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