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Henry GreenPrimary School

‘Learning Together, Learning For Life’

'Evidence me'


We are using 'Evidence me' to send parents photographs and observations about your children. Parents are able to make comments or create their own observations and send them back to their teachers. 


You will also find the homework challenge sheets sent to you through 'Evidence me' where you may reply by uploading a comment or photograph to show your child completing that challenge. We send reminders, special events and other notices to parents using 'Evidence me' to ensure everyone is kept up to date.


If you have not yet received your activation email for 'Evidence me', then please check your junk mail, or contact the school and we will check that the details are correct before re-sending. Every time a new observation is posted, you will also receive an email notification.


Below is the link to the website, or you can also download the 'Evidence me' app on your phone or tablet!

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