Life Skills Learn about the appliances in your kitchen. Ask your parents what each appliance is called and what it is used for. Display your findings on a poster titled ‘My Kitchen appliance.’ |
Maths Traffic Lights. Look around your home for red, yellow and green items. Keep a tally and then present your findings in a chart of your choice.
English Discover a new word. It might be a word in a book that you are reading, you might have heard it on the TV, or you could ask your family for a new word. Create the new word out of objects around the house and take a picture. Put the word into a sentence and display it underneath the word you've created.
PE Find a frying pan and a tennis ball (or small ball) in your home. How many times can you throw the ball up into the air and catch it?
If you manage to do this, 10 times, change your frying pan for a smaller one and try again. |
Science Research a famous Scientist. Find out about when they lived, why they are famous and how they changed our lives. Then create a short video reporting on their findings and how they have impacted society today. |
History/Geography Make or draw a historic artefact. You can choose any time period you like. Use the British museum website for ideas. For example, you could make a Roman coin, a Greek pot, a stone age cave painting or a Victorian toy.
Computing Puzzles are a good way of developing computational thinking. Word searches involve pattern matching. Create a word search for a family member to complete. Ask them what strategy (algorithm) they used to solve it. |
PSHCE Choose 2 or 3 members of your family. Tell each of them two things that you love about them and why you appreciate them.
French J’ai manage: Create a food diary or a poster in French, recording what you eat or have eaten. (see the poster below). |
Art/DT Write a hilarious poem using bubble writing. |
Phonics Read all the words below, then look in a book and see if you can find any of these words. Which words did you spot the most times? he all she are we her me was be they you my |
Sustainability Try some nature activities from the wildlife Trust as part of 30 days wild month, you can find ideas on our sustainability page here: