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Henry GreenPrimary School

‘Learning Together, Learning For Life’

What does a Governor Do?

School Governors 

School governing boards work as a team to provide strategic leadership to schools. The three core functions of a school governing board are to:

  • set a vision for a school
  • be accountable for school performance and the safety of pupils
  • provide financial probity to ensure that resources are well spent

Governing boards are required to appoint governors meeting the eligibility criteria based on the skills and experienced required by the board. 

Governing board statutory duties and policies

All governing boards are required to follow school governance legislation to meet statutory responsibilities as outlined in the Department for Education (DfE) Governance Handbook.

The other key statutory duties are:

  • ensuring safeguarding procedures in place to protect pupils and staff
  • monitoring the school budget and ensuring that school finances are spent well
  • ensuring that adequate and appropriate provision is provided for Special Education Needs (SEN) pupils
  • having statutory school policies 
  • staffing 

Apply to be a School Governor

If you have a passion for improving the life-chances of pupils in our school why not become a school governor? To be appointed or elected onto the governing body you will need to meet the eligibility criteria below:

  • over the age of 18
  • have no previous criminal convictions
  • have a debarring service check and obtain clearance
  • be willing to meet the time commitment of attending meetings, reading documentation and visiting the school on focused visits
  • meet the skills and experience required by individual governing board

Governors are appointed for a four year period, however resignations can be submitted at any stage during that term.

Please make an appointment to speak to the Headteacher if you are interested in becoming a governor at Henry Green.
