Welcome to the Reception Home Learning Page.
If your child is not able to attend school due to self-isolation, you can find the home learning offer below, including Literacy, Maths and wider curriculum learning. You will find the weekly power point with the daily class work plus a pack of printable extras.
Please make sure that you have activated your 'Evidence me' account, so you are able to share your children's home learning with us for feedback.
In the event of a national lockdown or whole class self-isolation, we will also be using our YouTube channel to share video clips linked to the lessons in the weekly power point - so please subscribe or check our Henry Green EYFS YouTube page for updates.
From Ms. Begum, Ms. Saifa and the EYFS team :)
If you need support with any of the home learning provided, you can contact your child's teacher here, a member of our team can answer your questions or provide a call back to assist you when requested. Thank you - Ms. Gentry, EYFS Phase Leader