I | Inclusive | Regardless of the ability, race, culture or religion, music brings everyone together and gives all pupils a chance to participate, communicate and succeed in learning.
D | Deep learning | Our thorough approach to learning gives pupils the understanding to analyse, evaluate, justify, reflect and improve their work on a far more intricate level.
E | Engaging | Innovative, inspiring and imaginative! Music encourages creativity. |
A | Authentic | Immersing themselves in many forms of musical styles, traditions and cultures, children have control over the learning process and ownership of what is composed and performed.
S | Schema building | Children experiment creating a piece of music by building on musical experiences, combining different influences and previous knowledge to advance their capabilities -you build on something you have already learned.
INTENT | “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato
At Henry Green Primary School, we believe in fostering a life long love of music. Our aim is to provide a music curriculum which enables pupils to reach their full potential. Our curriculum inspires independence and gives pupils opportunities to connect with others. We ensure that children develop their skills in listening, singing, composing, performing , analysing and evaluating a wide variety of musical genres from different historical periods and cultures. Allowing the freedom to sing and compose, we ignite a passion for music that encourages our children on their journeys. By exposing them to a variety of musical experiences, they gain skills which aids them in their pursuit of their interest and talents. Through this, they are able to use these musical skills and experiences not just in music but in the other areas of the curriculum. The production of their own pieces help to build up their enjoyment, self- confidence and sense of achievement as well as exercise creativity, teamwork and communication all of which are essential skills required for the future. We are committed to ensuring children understand the importance of music in the wider community and are proud to contribute in this endeavour.
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| Pupils begin to explore music through each of the topics taught. They explore and are shown how to use instruments, found objects and their bodies to create music. Pupils will be taught a wealth of songs and rhymes and perform regularly to others to showcase their musical abilities. We will ensure that pupils are actively engaged in the range of musical opportunities. They will develop their skills in singing, using body percussion and actions, handling and playing instruments effectively to create and express their own and others’ music.
Click below to go to the School Choir and wider Music Curriculum page