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Henry GreenPrimary School

‘Learning Together, Learning For Life’


Year 5 Computing


Each week you will be completing activities that will help you to program using scratch.  Read what you will be learning for that week then click on the links provided. Please share what you have done with an adult at home and send any examples to your class teacher.


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Activity 1

Learn how to code your own musical instruments...

By completing this activity you will learn how to interact with sprites, change a sprite's costume, make use of user input and include sounds in your Scratch program.

Activity 2

Learn how to repeat...


By completing this activity you will use Scratch to learn how to program your own animation including how to repeat instructions.

Activity 3

Learn how to use variables...


By completing this activity you will learn how to make a ghost-catching game including the use of variables.

Activity 4

Learn how to use selection...


By completing this activity you will learn how to make a chatbot, you'll program a character that can talk to you.

Activity 5

Learn how to use Boolean operators...

By completing this activity you will learn how Boolean operators work while creating your own paint program.


Activity 6

Learn how to use Boolean operators...

By completing this activity you will learn how to develop your own boat racing game.

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